WELL LearnHub

Learning platform

Use WELL LearnHub as your own learning platform for all training courses without investing a lot of time and IT.

Important features


Secure hosting on German servers with maintenance included.


Data protection according to the GDPR including SSL, TOMs and AVV.


Learning on any internet-enabled browser-supported system.


Around the clock and use training courses where possible.

Learning success

Guaranteed learning success with certificate and security code.


Adapt the size, colour and language of the interface to people.

What makes LearnHub so special

Intuitive interface

The user interface is easy to understand and can also be customised for users with disabilities.

Centralised learning

All training courses are in one place and can be customised to suit individuals and professional groups.

Flexible utilisation

Learn on any mobile, internet-enabled and browser-supported device, e.g. laptop, tablet, smartphone or VR glasses.

Matching products

All listed products are compatible with LearnHub


Numerous templates for statutory, company and specialist training courses that can be easily customised for each company.


Updating of training courses according to your templates or wishes with guaranteed learning success and certificate for all areas of daily work.


Digital eManuals, guides, presentations, training courses and tutorials for products that can be used in sales and by customers.

Contact us

Call: +49 208 - 883 694 17

Mail: hello@well-plus.de


Call: +49 163 - 12 86 707

Mail: support@well-plus.de

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Contact us

Call: +49 208 - 883 694 17

Mail: hello@well-plus.io


Call: +49 163 - 12 86 707

Mail: support@well-plus.io

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